Research into Talent
ACM Recruiting secures business critical personnel for CROs; for Sponsors of pharmaceutical and medical device trials; for Digital Therapeutics companies and for Pharmacies. As expert practitioners of clinical research, we collaborate with companies like yours every day and are natural partners for your talent acquisition needs. Translate (our) Research into (your) Talent! Permanent – Temp to Permanent – Freelance
ACM Recruiting secures business critical personnel for CROs; for Sponsors of pharmaceutical and medical device trials; for Digital Therapeutics companies and for Pharmacies. As expert practitioners of clinical research, we collaborate with companies like yours every day and are natural partners for your talent acquisition needs. Translate (our) Research into (your) Talent! Permanent – Temp to Permanent – Freelance

Jörg Korb, Managing Director of ACM Research, has over 25 years’ experience in various leadership positions in the pharmaceutical, medical device and biotech industries, as well as in surgical medicine. He specializes in Clinical Operations, Physician and Nurse talent acquisition.


Michael Roehl
Executive Director
Contact: roehl@allied-clinical.com

Managing Director
Jörg Korb, Managing Director of ACM Research, has over 25 years’ experience in various positions in the pharmaceutical, medical device, biotech industry, surgical medicine and CROs. He studied at the Humboldt University in Berlin and worked for over a decade at the world renown Charité University Hospital in Berlin in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department before joining ACM as its managing director of research in 2006.
Contact: korb@allied-clinical.com
Translating Research into Talent
Reason No. 1
We conduct clinical research with pharmaceutical, medical device and digital therapeutics companies as well as with pharmacies. We recruit exclusively in our area of expertise.
Reason No. 2
We precisely and efficiently identify ideal candidates for your vacancies. We speak as experienced peers to clinical research professionals and pharmacists.
Reason No. 3
We collaborate with pharmaceutical, medical device and digital therapeutics companies as well as with pharmacies on clinical research projects. We are the recruitment partner you already know.
Reason No. 4
We represent your interests and company culture to clinical research experts and pharmacists in a professional, efficient and discreet manner.
Reason No. 5
Our remuneration models are performance based and are tailored to your requirements and budget.
- We are an Owner-operated company

- Owner-operated
- Member of bvma

DiGA – Digital Therapeutic Health Application
The physician’s leather medical bag will soon need to add another compartment for digital therapeutics or DTx for short. Digital therapeutics are evidence-based, clinically evaluated medical devices or software which, like an app, can be downloaded to your mobile phone. These digital therapies are used to treat a variety of diseases and disorders. Over the past five years the US Food and Drug Administration has approved an increasing amount of prescription DTx which complement more familiar drug therapies. This trend, although more recent, is also becoming more pronounced in Germany.

Health Care: The digital revolution has been kicked into high gear
In decades past most health systems were set up to provide uniform care to large numbers of people. This made economic sense as it allowed health care to benefit from economies of scale.

The Importance of a Cover Letter when Applying for a new Position
As a recruiter specializing in clinical operations and clinical research, part of my work is to screen and vet candidates on behalf of my clients. During a normal week, I review scores of CVs from candidates.

Engaging Community Physicians to Enhance Patient Retention
I just read an interesting report from the Forum on Drug Discovery, Development and Translation called Transforming Clinical Research in the United States, published by the Institute of Medicine.

DiGA – Digital Therapeutic Health Application
The physician’s leather medical bag will soon need to add another compartment for digital therapeutics or DTx for short. Digital therapeutics are evidence-based, clinically evaluated medical devices or software which, like an app, can be downloaded to your mobile phone. These digital therapies are used to treat a variety of diseases and disorders. Over the past five years the US Food and Drug Administration has approved an increasing amount of prescription DTx which complement more familiar drug therapies. This trend, although more recent, is also becoming more pronounced in Germany.
Where we are
Our Berlin office is in proximity to state-of-the-art research facilities. From this location we meet, collaborate and conduct research with scores of key opinion leaders in Berlin, Germany and the European Union.
Our location in the Berlin metropolitan region affords us excellent access to Western, Central and Eastern European research centers.
Our recruiters capitalize on our research experience to find the right talent at the right time and the right price for our partners.
Clinical Trial Managers, Clinical Research Associates, Lead CRAs, Clinical Trial Assistants, Clinical Data Managers, Clinical Trial Supply Managers, Clinical Investigators, Clinical Operation Experts, Clinical Scientists, Drug Safety Scientists, Pharmacovigilance Experts, Medical Liaison Managers, Medical Writers, Medical Experts, Medical Monitors, Biostatisticians, Statistical Programmers, Quality Assurance Experts, Regulatory Affairs Experts, Clinical Trial Auditors, CMC Experts, Qualified Persons, Research Nurses, Pharmacists, Pharmacy Clinical Trial Managers, Pharmaceutical Technicians, Digital Therapeutics Experts
Pharmaceuticals – Medical Devices – Digital Therapeutics