Health Care: The digital revolution has been kicked into high gear

Michael Roehl, Managing Director ACM
digital health with ACM
In decades past most health systems were set up to provide uniform care to large numbers of people. This made economic sense as it allowed health care to benefit from economies of scale.

Not so long ago, creating tailor-made treatments for every individual would have been prohibitively expensive and challenging to say the least. However, driven by evolving patient expectations, breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and the Covid-19 pandemic, the digital revolution has been kicked into high gear. This has resulted in a fundamental conceptual shift regarding telemedicine – for patients and their doctors. Breakthroughs in data science and algorithms are making it increasingly possible for individuals to access health care, making universal healthcare a reality. With rapid technological advancement the way we access health care is being altered. Individuals who may not have been able to speak to a medical care practitioner – because of lack of insurance, mobility or time – can now receive basic healthcare. I refer to it as the democratization of healthcare.

So with this in mind, I would like to share with you my favorite 5 digital health apps:

The companies above are driving the digital revolution with strong offerings. I would be pleased to hear your which are your favorite apps. Feel free to send me your comments (for a future blog) c/o

Michael Roehl, Managing Director ACM

Please contact Mr. Michael Roehl,
Executive Director of ACM Recruiting, for further information: